hello i have stuffies take a gd look
a black bear plushie this is huskie, i named him when i didnt know the difference between bears and dogs.
a grey shark plushie this is a knockoff blåhaj who i got at goodwill, wonderful to cuddle. her name is blahaj, pronounced in the wrong american way (/ˈblɑːhɑːʒ/, not /ˈbloːhj/)
a brown dog plushie buddy is one of my oldest plushies, and hes been with me my whole life!
a purple fluffy ball arnold is a plush pigmie puff. he hates transphobes and JKR in particular :3
a pale purple cat plushie this kitty currently doesnt have a name atm, but i like her :3
a white and brown cat plush-e this cat had a name once, but it is lost to time. been with me for a while though.
a blue and silver dragon plushie im fairly sure hes named cutie.
a white duck plushie ducky's also pretty old now, probably around 18 or 19 as i write this. dont reemmebr when i got him.
a brown bear plush fuzzie bear (thats his name fuck you) is a nice little fuzzy bear :)
a sheep plush lammy's another of my childhood plushies, i love him and he is great
a rainbow tie dye pig plush got this one at one of my parents' college reunions.